Guarantee information:

Ebuy-Easy offers a one-year warranty on consumer electronics (RC drones are not covered by this warranty.) If an article listed in the categories of our sales platform, has a manufacturing defect (at receipt), the customer can return the defective article for repair. This guarantee does not apply to accidental damage caused by the negligence of the user when using. Ebuy-Easy will support the cost of processing repair and the cost of replacing all non-human defective parts (this free repair rule does not apply to motherboards and all screen categories).
This guarantee applies only to personal use and does not apply to products that have been used for commercial, rental or other use initially provided. No guarantee other than those expressly stated in these are granted. This guarantee is not transferable. Ebuy-Easy will not be responsible for any damage, loss or drawback caused by failure or negligence of equipment, improper use or use that does not comply with safety, use or additional warnings contained in the guide user. In addition, Ebuy-Easy will not be responsible for indirect or consecutive damage of any kind resulting from the use of this product, and any responsibility will not exceed the purchase price of the product. This guarantee gives you specific legal rights.
You can also have other rights, which vary from state to state. Guarantee exclusions: a) The user cancels the warranty if
• Damage due to an accident, improper use, abuse, alteration or vandalism;
• incorrect or insufficient maintenance;
• unauthorized modification or commercial use;
• Use by children under the age of 18 unattended. Please contact us before returning a defective item, otherwise your return request could be delayed. Customers will be reimbursed if the item cannot be repaired or whether a replacement cannot be provided due to a stock shortage within one year. When you return items, be sure to ship them via a traceable shipping method to prevent the goods from being lost in transit.
For more details on the general warranty conditions, or any additional requests for the various products, please refer to the instructions manual published by the manufacturer. For more details on the warranty, please consult our return policy or contact our customer service to get help.